IMPACTS for Kansas Manufacturers

Ask KMS Manufacturing Executive Roundtable

We help Kansas manufacturers compete and grow. It’s why we exist. How do we know it’s working?

Six months following the end of a project with a client, an independent third party surveys the clients to learn if they have experienced growth as a result of working with KMS.  The data below indicates that our manufacturing clients are achieving success as a result of working with KMS. 

For the 2024, our clients reported:

  • $328.3 million in new and retained sales
  • $122.1 million in new investment
  • $14.3 million in cost savings
  • 2,339 jobs created or retained

*Impacts reported were collected Q4 2023 - Q3 2024. Final 2024 impacts will be available March 2025.

Now, think about the challenges you’re facing in your manufacturing operation.  We would like to help you positively impact your business.   


* Kansas Manufacturing Solutions is serving our state as part of the NIST MEP national network. As a requirement of our agreement with NIST, our clients are surveyed on a quarterly basis via an independent third party source to report economic impacts as a result of our services. These numbers came from our clients.