Current Good Manufacturing Practices for Food Industry

May 22, 2019 - 8:30 am to 4:00 pm


This course is part of the Food Safety in the Heartland program.  This course is being held in Omaha, NE.  

Course Description

This course is designed to review the requirements of 21 CFR 117 Subpart B: Current Good Manufacturing Practices. The regulation outlines basic sanitary conditions for facilities that manufacture, process, pack, or hold foods for human consumption. The adequate implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices and other prerequisite programs ensures the right operational and environmental conditions for the production of safe and wholesome foods.

Who Should Attend?

Food safety managers and supervisors QA/QC personnel Regulatory personnel tasked to perform GMP inspections Any food industry stakeholder interested in learning the updated cGMP requirements Note: This is course is not intended to cover food safety and sanitation practices for retail or food service operations.

About the cGMP Course:

The curriculum is based on the Food and Drug Administration regulatory requirements located under 21 CFR Part 117: Current Good Manufacturing Practice, Hazard Analysis, and Risk-Based Preventive Controls for Human Food. The one-day course (eight hours of training) will be a combination of lectures and hands-on activities.

Course Outline:

  1. Regulatory Overview
  2. Food Safety Hazards
  3. Personnel Health and Hygiene
  4. Plants and Grounds
  5. Sanitary Operations
  6. Sanitary Facilities and Controls
  7. Equipment and Utensils
  8. Processes and Controls
  9. Warehousing and Distribution
  10. Defect Action Levels
  11. By-products for Animal Food
  12. Sanitation Operating Procedures
  13. Other Prerequisite Programs
  14. HACCP/Food Safety Plan

Benefits of Attending:

  • Understand concepts cGMP regulation
  • Operationalize the requirements through the design of Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOP)
  • Identify and troubleshoot common problems (case studies)

Course Information:

WHEN: Wednesday, May 22, 2019, 8:30 am to 4 pm WHERE: Douglas-Sarpy Counties Extension Office 8015 W. Center Rd. Omaha, NE 68124 Additional information on room location and parking will be provided to participants upon registration.


$200 per person. Registration includes printed materials, certificate of training, morning and afternoon coffee breaks, and box lunch. All participants must pre-register. On-site registrations cannot be accepted. 


Byron D. Chaves, PhD.
Assistant Professor and Food Safety Extension Specialist
Department of Food Science and Technology
University of Nebraska-Lincoln 
(402) 472 2196
COURSE POLICY: To successfully complete the course and receive a certificate of training, participants must be present for the entire delivery and actively participate in the exercises. If a participant misses portions of the course, his/her certificate will not be issued. 


Registration Deadline May 15, 2019