Food Safety Series: FSMA-Regulatory Oversight: How We Got Here

Nov 12, 2020 - 10:00 am to 11:00 am

KMS partnership Food Safety in the Heartland


Free webinar:

Kansas Manufacturing Solutions is a member of the Food Safety in the Heartland partnership that includes our peer organizations Missouri Enterprise and Nebraska Manufacturing Extension Partnership.  Together, the three organizations collaborate and share resources to better serve the region's food manufacturers.  

Missouri Enterprise food safety expert Paul McBride is leading a series of webinars on FSMA and food safety related topics.  These free webinars are available to Kansas food manufacturers to attend. 

We will be discussing some of the most important legislation in food safety that has led the FDA to implement these legal requirements of food manufacturers. 

We will touch on the difference in law development and the main scope of the FSMA (Food Safety Modernization Act).

This webinar is mostly concentrated on FDA food safety development, but the same process is used for all new regulations.