Innovation Engineering Quick Start
Nov 14, 2017 - 7:30 am to Nov 16, 2017 - 12:00 pm
I know what you are thinking. Why should you believe Quick Start will make a difference to you and your team?
The following graph shows Before and After Confidence ratings provided by participants in recent Quick Starts. They are surveyed before and after the Quick Start on their confidence to Create, Communicate and Commercialize new ideas using Systems Thinking. This self-reported increase in confidence is significant! And, whoa! That increase in confidence to commercialize is more than 50%!
Wouldn't you like to increase your teams' confidence to commercialize new ideas? And you just know these teams are going to be so much more proactive!
And that last score? Participants were asked, on a scale of 0-10 how strongly they would recommend their colleagues and friends take the Quick Start Course. The average is slightly over 8.0. Ok, Ok, I have some things I will work on doing better. Just like you.
Please join us at the Historic Longview Mansion November 14-16. Take the plunge...with confidence.
Longview Mansion
1200 SW Longview Park Dr.
Lee's Summit, Missouri 64081