KCMN - April Meeting: Lean in the Real World

Apr 09, 2019 - 7:00 am to 9:00 am


Kansas City Manufacturing Network's (KCMN) April Meeting: Lean in the Real World

Join us for our April meeting, where our panelists will share how they are using the principals of Lean to realize gains in their plants, in the ‘real world’.

Location:  Johnson County Community College, Regnier Center, Room 101
                   12345 College Blvd, Overland Park, KS 66210

Cost is $20 for KCMN/KCIC members, $25 for manufacturing company guests, and $50 for non-mfg company guests. 


or contact Donna Gordon 816-304-7958, donna@kcmn.org