Manufacturing a Cyber Secure Business

Feb 23, 2022 - 8:00 am to 2:00 pm

Manufacturing a Cyber Secure Business - For Manufacturers


This in-person event has been postponed.  In place of the event, our cyber experts will be presenting their important information on webinars throughout March and April. Dates and times coming soon!

If you think your company isn’t vulnerable to cyberattacks, you need to think again. In fact, over 60% of small businesses have experienced a cyberattack in the last 12 months, and with odds like that, your business could be next.

Hackers and cybercriminals know that small to medium sized manufacturers are usually less protected, making them soft targets. Whether you are looking to understand basic cyber protections to minimize your company’s risk or you are doing business with the federal government and need to understand updated CMMC requirements, this event is for you.

For registration and information, including the agenda, go to 

This in-person event has been postponed.  In place of the event, our cyber experts will be presenting their important information on webinars throughout March and April. Dates and times coming soon!

For additional information on cyber protection for your business, you can view our cyber solution page HERE.