Manufacturing Growth Happy Hour: Strategic Automation - Gaining an edge in Manufacturing with Robots

Jul 23, 2019 - 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm


Strategic Automation - Gaining an edge in Manufacturing with Robots

For any manufacturer, issues like material handling, quality assurance, and workforce dependability can be a burden. Often, the best solution for these problems is to automate – but how does one even know where to start that process? Join our educational session as we discuss how different manufacturers (who have faced these same obstacles) went through a process of identifying the problem and developing a solution. A live demonstration will follow. Learn more about the role automation and robots play in Industry 4.0. The cost is $15 per person and appetizers are included.

Event includes appetizers, networking, a presentation, and a question and answer period. 

This event is being held in partnership with MAMTC's partner MEP Center for Missouri, Missouri Enterprise.