Workforce Solutions for Small Employers

Jun 19, 2018 - 8:00 am to 11:30 am


Does your business need more employees or ways to develop existing staff? 

The U.S. Small Business Administration - Wichita District Office is hosting an event for small businesses.  

Business owners are invited to attend the first forum in a series of events designed to introduce employers to local resources that can aid with workforce training and development, support hiring and educate on other employment solutions.

Take the opportunity to learn from ten organizations that offer resources to help you find the right employees and train the ones you have.  Learn about unique solutions to employment issues affecting Kansas businesses.

Brief but information rich presentations will be provided by the participating organizations.  A panel discussion will touch on topics important to small business employers and allow you to have your questions answered.  Meet the attending organizations in a networking session for even more detailed conversations and employment recommendations.   

MAMTC is proud to partner and participate with the SBA and other great resource organizations in this event.  

Register today.