Exporting: Should You or Shouldn't You?
By KMS on July 25, 2017
In today’s global marketplace, customers want to purchase products and services made in the U.S. because they recognize that American products and services have a reputation for quality, value...
The National-Level Economic Impact of the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP)
By KMS on July 13, 2017
A recent study by the W.E. Upjohn Institute found the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Program generates a substantial...
Cyber Security in the Manufacturing Industry
By KMS on June 23, 2017
Would it surprise you to know that the manufacturing industry is the second-most hacked industry? According the IBM’s 2016 Cyber Security Intelligence Index, healthcare is the most hacked industry...
Heartland Mill Receives Kansas SBDC Award
By KMS on March 27, 2017
Successful Kansas small businesses receive awards at Kansas SBDC Awards Event Heartland Mill recognized as Kansas SBDC Existing Business of the Year (featured from L to R): Kansas SBDC at SCCC...
Do you have what it takes to be Average?
By KMS on December 22, 2016
Average is a mathematical term typically indicating something in the middle of a group or pack. Most people don’t like to think of themselves as average. But there’s names for the “average” person...
Not Exporting? That's Risky Business
By KMS on August 23, 2016
Safety Management Systems (SMS) — A lot of leaders really do not know what this is even through it can be found in most regulatory compliances. Its description is usually vague and often ends up...
Instant Sustainability
By KMS on June 30, 2016
The 4th of July. When I think of this holiday, I think of extravagant aerials blowing up in the sky. Lots of sparkles and shimmers and multitudes of colors coming together to entertain us. Not to...
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