KMS 2020 Kansas Manufacturing Industry Questionnaire
Kansas manufacturers, make your voices heard!
Kansas Manufacturing Solutions is conducting its 2020 Kansas Manufacturing Industry Questionnaire.
The manufacturing industry is extremely important to Kansas and local communities throughout the state, creating jobs and helping to drive the economy.
These are unprecedented times and the business dynamics for Kansas manufactures and all business are in unchartered waters.
By participating in the Kansas Manufacturing Industry Questionnaire, you are providing information that can make a real impact on how key stakeholders in manufacturing make decisions in the future. The results will help shape the offerings and services of manufacturing support organizations, workforce training programs, your local economic development organizations, and more.
The 2020 Kansas Manufacturing Inustry Questionnaire is being conducted by a third-party organization, the National Business Research Institute. This will ensure the respondent’s data and responses are confidential and anonymous.
The questionnaire is under 35 questions and will take between 10-15 minutes to complete. It is accessed via an online link and can be completed with a computer or a mobile device.
This is a chance to make your voice heard on issues that matter to your business! Your input will help guide resources to assist with the challenges you are currently experiencing and those you believe will impact you in the future.
We will send you a copy of the Results Report. You can compare your organization to the rest of the Kansas manufacturing industry.
Upon completion of the survey, you have the option to enter in to a drawing for a chance to win one of two collectibles autographed by Patrick Mahomes.
Thank you for participating in this questionnaire, as well as being an important contributor to your local, state, and national economy.