2016 Blog Archive
Why Should You Listen to Us?
My colleague, Joe Torrago, recently wrote a blog addressing the issue that we are often asked by Kansas manufacturers what we know about making the types of products they produce. Joe’s response? “...
MAMTC and SBDCs - Each with a Part to Play
Thanks to the state of Kansas and the US Small Business Administration, folks wanting to start a business or grow an existing one have access anywhere in our state to free assistance. There are...
Do you have what it takes to be Average?
Average is a mathematical term typically indicating something in the middle of a group or pack. Most people don’t like to think of themselves as average. But there’s names for the “average” person...
What Does MAMTC Know About Making Our Product?
From time to time, when we are with manufacturers in Kansas, we are asked what we know about making the types of products they produce. The answer quite simply is probably nothing. You heard me right...
Ignoring Cybersecurity is Risky Business
They say opposites attract. While my husband and I have many important things in common, we are complete opposites in one area. He’s a “risk taker,” and me … well, not so much. Rather than being...
Can I Afford to Work with KMS?
This is a question I believe many clients ask themselves or discuss among themselves. However, they very rarely ask us directly. If and when they do, I would answer as follows. The short answer is...
You Can Call It a Banana...
I was asked the other day, “What’s the difference between a lean activity and a kaizen event?” My first reaction was to give in to my often quoted answer, “It doesn’t really matter, you can call it...
Lean/Six Sigma Succeeds When You Start by Asking "Why?"
Earlier this year I had the opportunity to be a part of the 3rd annual Continuous Improvement and Innovation Conference (CIIC) at Kansas Wesleyan University. We covered a wide range of topics, one...
How Do I Increase the Value of My Company?
This is a question asked by owners, CEO's and presidents of small and medium sized manufacturing companies. This is especially true of those companies either in the midst of or considering a...
The Internet of Things
Here is a quick quiz. Which of these things are real and currently available? A medicine bottle that not only alerts you to take your dose on schedule, but also can request a refill with a...
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