2022 Blog Archive
See the Forest for the Trees
Start 2023 Strong! The thought of hiring a consultant doesn’t always appeal to manufacturing leaders. It’s easy to think, why should I hire an outsider to come in and tell me how to run my business...
Q4 2022 Economic Impacts on Kansas Manufacturing
Q4 2022 Economic Impacts on Kansas Manufacturing Webinar On November 8th, Chris Kuehl, Managing Director of Armada Corporate Intelligence, provided great information about what the economic...
Five Leadership Essentials for Lean Success
This is an original article from the NIST Manufacturing Innovation Blog. The Association for Manufacturing Excellence (AME) defines people-centric leadership (PCL) as a leadership approach that...
LEAN to Improve Series - 2 weeks of extra production a year from just 20 minutes a day
How many times have you said to yourself, “If only we could fill that order.”? Have you caught yourself saying, “If only there were more hours in the day.”? If you are like most manufacturing...
LEAN to Improve Series - Six Sigma Principles and Tools
Welcome to the third installment of our series on Lean and Six Sigma. As we saw in the first post, "What Are Lean & Six Sigma Methodologies?", Lean and Six Sigma are complimentary continuous...
LEAN to Improve Series - Lean Principles and Tools
KMS is publishing a series of blogs on Lean and Six Sigma over the coming weeks. Today’s publication, will cover "Lean Principles and Tools". Next week we will cover "Six Sigma Principles and...
LEAN to Improve Series - What Are Lean & Six Sigma Methodologies
KMS is publishing a series of blogs on Lean and Six Sigma over the coming weeks. Today’s publication, "What Are Lean & Six Sigma Methodologies?" is the first of three installments. Future...
LEAN to Improve Series - The Benefits of Adopting a Continuous Improvement Approach
Imagine a workplace where productivity was constantly optimized, innovation was always pursued, and new opportunities were frequently discovered! This method of constant betterment - known as the...