No Cost Virtual Workshops for Food Manufacturers
Through KMS's participation in the Food Safety in the Heartland Program, two virtual FSPCA Preventive Control courses are being offered to Kansas human and animal food manufacturers at NO COST to assist with compliance of the FSMA and avoidance of potential fines. These courses can typically cost thousands of dollars.
The final rule for “Preventive Controls for Human Food” and for "Preventive Controls for Animal Food" were released in August 2015 for the implementation regulations in the area of preventative controls for human and animal food. The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) requires food facilities to have a written food safety plan in place that includes an analysis of hazards and risk-based preventive controls to minimize or prevent the identified hazards.
REGISTRATION CLOSES JULY 15TH and there are limited remaining spots available for these virtual no cost courses.
More information / to register as a human food manufacturer, Click HERE.
More information / to register as an animal food manufacturer, Click HERE.
Take advantage of this opportunity to move towards compliance and avoid potential fines for not being in compliance.